Personal mesotherapy and PRP plasma therapy

Smoothing, tightening, revitalization. Mesotherapy restores youth and radiance to the skin.

In turn, plasma therapy is a safe, gentle and natural skin care that evens out the complexion and removes fine wrinkles.

Complete skin revitalization
for maximum natural rejuvenation

A favorite of patients, the mesotherapy procedure (“Meso” – medium and “Therapea” – treatment) solves many aesthetic problems: it fights hair loss, removes scars, visibly slows down the aging process of the skin and gives it shine, hydration and a firm, fresh look. Plasmolifting, plasma therapy, or vampire lifting – with all these names we call mesotherapy with our own blood plasma, one of the most natural and subtle ways to rejuvenate. The procedure makes the skin thicker, supple and firmer, evens out the complexion and reduces fine wrinkles.


Through precise, various pharmaceutical, homeopathic or plant extracts, as well as vitamins or trace elements are introduced into the dermis. Exactly the ones your skin needs.

The active substances are injected directly into the problem area, which allows higher concentrations of them to be applied to achieve more precise and effective results.

Adult woman while face plasmolifting at a beauty clinic. Cosmetology procedure for anti-aging effect on face skin


The procedure begins with taking 8-9 ml of venous blood from the patient. The manipulation is performed by a specialist and does not cause discomfort.
The blood is centrifuged so that the blood elements are separated from the liquid ingredient. The resulting plasma, known as PRP (platelets reach plasma), is rich in platelets.
Plasma is injected into the superficial, medium-deep or deep layers of the skin with a series of micro-injections. In patients with a lower pain threshold, a local anesthetic can be applied beforehand.

The benefits
of mesotherapy


Mesotherapy can be applied to the face, décolleté, neck and hands.


The therapy is successfully applied to patients of all age groups who show the first signs of skin aging.


Due to the natural injection material, the procedure is suitable even for people with allergies and for those who prefer the safest and most gentle methods.

Needle mesotherapy. cosmetologist makes injections in woman head. strengthen the hair and their growth


No special preparation of the skin is required. The only requirement is not to drink acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) for 2 days before and after therapy.


No scars remain at the site of the. And within a few hours, most of the traces of the procedure disappear.


It goes well with the placement of Botox and hyaluronic fillers, as well as with other non-surgical manipulations.

Give your skin special care

Find out which cocktail of ingredients is best suited for your skin, and give it the freshness, health, and glow it needs.


Therapy does not require special preparation. Its duration is 10-20 minutes, and the injection of various active substances is usually slightly painful. For maximum comfort, we apply anesthetic creams or add painkillers to injection cocktails.

During the recovery period, swelling and slight bruising may occur. Other undesirable effects are redness and slight swelling in the treated area, itching, burning, bruising sensation. The discomfort disappears within a few hours to 4-5 days.

The results of mesotherapy usually appear about a month after the procedures are performed

The duration of the course is tailored to the individual characteristics of each patient, the type of problem being treated and its severity. The number of therapies can vary from 3 to 10 at intervals of 1 to 3-6 weeks. The frequency also depends on the type of products introduced.

Book a procedure now

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Book a procedure at our exquisite centre in the heart of Vienna.
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